Born 26 March 1931 Christchurch New Zealand. Last known to be in Fitzgerald St. Northam WA (1959). Looking for my birth mother. I was born on 13/7/1959 at St. Annes Hospital. Mt Lawley. My birth name was Anthony Walker. I was adopted at 6 wks of age & given the name Gregory George Kirk. My birth mother was born 26/3/1931 in Christchurch NZ. At the time of my birth she was 28 years old and residing in WA and working as a waitress at Cavalier Tea Rooms. Central Arcade . Perth and had been divorced. She had dated John Allen Alfred Pope for 18 months. Although paternity was denied by John. I`m hoping the name may help in finding information about my mother or any possible siblings.
Greg please contact OZ REUNION. We have had a response to your ad.