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Hi I`m looking for Liz James we used to go to Stella Maris college together from around 1976 to 1979,she…
Jamestown Primary School,
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jamieson or jameson Anne-marie
1957 give or take one year. My birth name was Brandon Lee Jamieson/Jameson and I was born on 4th sept…
Jamieson or Morrison Ann or Jan
. I am searching for any siblings I may have. My father`s name was James Jamieson or Morrison. known as…
Jamieson Primary School,
150th Anniversary celebrations. Saturday October 31st. 10 a.m.-4.30 p.m. Dance in the evening $10. Roll call, old-fashioned games, tree-planting, cut…
Jamison Centre Primary School,
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jannali girls high school, 1969
Judith Gilpin-Gregor. Anyone out there from my era? Love to touch base.
Jarick / Kenway Norma
. searching for birth mother. I was born in Newcastle. Dec 1952. Her name on my original birth certificate is…
Jarvis Jean
Year of Birth:1930 Town of Origin: sheffield /uk Hi am looking for my birth mum, she gave birth to me…
jean jarvis was my birth mum in the uk. she moved to n.s.w. in the sixties, my birth name was…
Jasmine Court,
My name is Kerry Plymin. Many years ago I lived in Albert Park, Melbourne in a girls hostel. The name…
Jeffrey Helen
Date of Birth: 1949/50. Looking for my birth mother Helen Elizabeth Jeffrey. I was born in Warrawong in Jan 1966.
Jeffries , Rebecca
My mother,Sharon Jeffries apparently worked as a waitress in the city in Sydney and studied dance during the day, met…
I`m hoping to make contact with an old friend that was close to me in the time I spent in…
Jeffs Suzanne Jane
26969. Looking for my adopted step sister. Born in Royal Brisbane hospital nov 1973.
The person we/I'm looking for is Mrs. Valery Jenkins. We met working at the Yorkshire insurance company, in Nottingham, England.…
. My adopted Mother JOY gave me the name of Gail. however not long before she died she thought my…
Jennings Beryl May
Birth: 1919. I`m looking for the birth mother of my Dad who was born on 1 September 1934 in Sydney…
Jensen Ronda Catherine
. My mother was 23 years old when I was adopted. I was born at the Royal North Shore Hospital…
Jenyns Ipswich Factory Ex Staffers
any ex Staff who worked in the Ipswich Factory 28th June - 4pm
Jerramungup, Year: 1976
Collene Castle-Nee Gray. Grew up in Jerry. Went right up to 3rd year high at JDHS.
Jervis Bay Primary School,
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Jervois Primary School,
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Jesmond High School,
Scott Bailey, trying to find information about My High School reunion.